kiisu914 04. August 1972 (51), Estonia, Estonia Was online less than a day ago
  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendship
  • Interested in guys
  • I speak estonian.
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  • 21.05.2005
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Estonia: 33th position
21.03.2024 14:31
Estonia: 2th position
21.03.2024 13:16
Her quizzes
  • What changes do you need? The test will show that it's time to change in life
    • Where you should reconsider your life is in the personal sphere. After all, this is where you have the most situations when you have to get upset and disappointed in people. Your trusting nature often stumbles upon those individuals who do not deserve too much trust and make you suffer. Perhaps, when starting a relationship, you do not need to plunge into them but to get to know the person. In other words, you should learn to feel the difference between what is said and what is done, perhaps that's when everything will work out....
  • Is it easy for you to communicate? The test will show how much of a social person you are
    • You are a fairly open and sociable person, but it should be noted that not everyone can open your soul and talk about something secret. There are quite a few people in your social circle who are eager to talk to you and just spend time in your company. However, despite your openness, you still choose only those who are trustworthy and in whom there is confidence. You are always friendly to new acquaintances and easily make contact, however, this does not mean at all that this will develop into a true friendship. Perhaps you still need to learn to trust people and then you will have even more true friends.
  • How do you deal with stress The test will show what helps you in the fight against troubles.
    • What always helps you in dealing with stress and other troubles is meeting good, time-tested friends. You are always sure that it is the friend More »
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