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Data dodania zdjęcia: Podaruj prezent  
Podaruj prezent Dragance_I q 28. Czerwiec 1991 (32), Graz, Austria Była online ponad miesiąc temu

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Adolf Hitler ponad miesiąc temu

I took over Europe, but you have taken over my heart

Athletic ponad miesiąc temu

You are a very beautiful woman. Love the great smile and wonderful face. Very sexy figure also. I would like to be your friend. I live in Hawaii but my work as a consultant takes me to many places around the world. If you have email I would love to chat with you there and share some other photos. You can write to me at love.travel@hotmail.com.

MERCIFULLY ponad miesiąc temu

Everything is beautiful with you Even going after impossible dreams Everything is beautiful with you Even this EvenYou're the owner of my life

MERCIFULLY ponad miesiąc temu

Mirror mirror on the wall is there more beautiful than me

MERCIFULLY ponad miesiąc temu

beautiful pose...May they a safe...happy life!...

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