meeting the shadow..
63, Novi Sad, Serbia

This is from the book "Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature". This excerpt the writer uses 'bag' do describe a place where we hide our shadow, parts of ourselves we've been told or we think are inappropriate to experience.

'I think we could say that most males in our culture put their feminine side or interior woman into the bag. When they begin, perhaps around thirty-five or forty, trying to get in touch with their feminine side again, she may be by then truly hostile to them. The same man may experience in the meantime much hostility from the women in the outer world. The rule seems to be: the outside has to be like the inside. That's the way it is on this globe.

If a woman wanting to be approved for her femininity, has put her masculine side or her internal male into the bag, she may find that twenty years later he will be hostile to her. Moreover he may be unfeeling and brutal in his criticism. She's in aspot. Finding a hostile man to live with would give her someone to blame and take away the pressure, but that wouldn't help the problem of the closed bag. In the meantime, she is liable to sense a double refection, from the male inside and the male outside. There's a lot of grief in this whole thing.

Every part of our personality that we do not love will become hostile to us.'

~Robert Bly


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